Substance Abuse

Substance use and abuse is a pressing concern in the United States. According to the National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH), as many as 19.7 million Americans battle with substance abuse. Be it alcohol, cocaine, opioids, or any other addictive substance, substance abuse impacts thousands of lives each year.

So, what it substance use? Simply put, it can be defined as a pattern whereby an individual indulges in the harmful use of any substance that is (typically) addictive, has mood-altering effects, and in some cases, may even be illegal. In most cases, individuals who use substances do so to feel better emotionally. For instance, a person may turn to substance use to relieve stress, battle grief, anger, or conflict, and to eliminate feelings of guilt or shame. They may also resort to it to “numb” their pain if they’re hurting, using the substance to prevent them from feeling things they don’t want to feel.

Substance abuse occurs when the person starts using the said substance in a much higher quantity than recommended, or for purposes it isn’t intended for. Having a drink or engaging in recreational drug use (in states where it’s legal) once in a while doesn’t constitute as substance abuse. However, if you start relying on these substances too heavily for altering your mood and managing your emotions, or if you participate in substance consumption way too often, you’re walking on a slippery slope. Since most substances are potentially addictive, using them frequently or in a much higher dosage than what’s deemed healthy can result in substance abuse.

Substance abuse has the ability to destroy relationships, affect their physical and mental health, threaten their safety, and hurt their financial stability. Individuals who struggle with substance abuse often find themselves dissatisfied with their quality of life. This is why abuse recovery with therapy is so important for them.  This is a treatment strategy that employs therapy and consultancy in an attempt to determine the affected individual’s condition, and helps them recover. It involves the assistance of psychologists, addiction and abuse recovery therapists, and licensed counselors to help individuals let go of their harmful patterns and recognize their strengths and potentials.

Abuse Recovery Treatment

At Guiding Light Holistic Center Inc., we offer substance abuse recovery services to help individuals struggling with substance abuse start afresh. Our substance abuse recovery programs are available at both of our locations and have helped many individuals receive the treatment they need.

If you know someone who’s struggling with substance use and may be leaning dangerously close to addiction, refer them to our holistic treatment center in Lexington, KY or Columbus, OH today for long-term substance abuse recovery services!